Thursday, 25 June 2020 09:27 Guest Productivity Tools
SLictionary's listed word definitions are sourced from the community-- exactly the same way word meanings have always been sourced from the community of langauge SPEAKERS.  The middleman, namely academics who've governed word meanings after Webster wrote...
Thursday, 30 April 2020 20:17 tonicpow APIs and Dev Tools
CLI app for interacting with paymail service providers. Commands brfc List all known brfc specifications (view example) paymail brfc list Generate a new BRFC ID for a new specification (view example) paymail brfc generate --title "BRFC...
Tagged in: paymail bfrc cli app
Wednesday, 29 April 2020 01:31 Guest Productivity Tools is a social sentiment tool powered by Ecat.Media, MoneyButton and Whatsonchain. Anyone can share their sentiment on a index for 0.02 USD by signing up for a MoneyButton account. You can earn bitcoin to vote by using the Earn...
Tuesday, 26 February 2019 21:15 Guest Productivity Tools
The world's first Bitcoin Native photo app that lets you take a photo on your mobile phone and upload to the blockchain.  With Filters. Comes with "raw" (no filter), "sepia", "pixel", "blur" Powered by a new Planaria machine that takes http://B...